chill cat
JY Lock
iOS-Development, Web-Development

Design Portfolio

ArchHacks Team Competing Project: Eyecare

This app is designed to help corneal ulcer patients to track their recovery progress. The app works by analyzing patients’ symptom area through a picture. Our back-end server computes the abnormal area showing in iris by highlighting and returning the actual value. Patients can compare before and after highlighted pictures. The returned value will be plotted to a graph for tracking recovery progress. The whole project also includes a web platform that allows doctors to track patients’ recovery progress.

iOS Swift Mathematica

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Shopping Calculator

This app helps users calculate final price after discount, and tax. In addition, users can choose different currency. If a user ever enters abnormal figures, such as negative discount, the app will warn.

iOS Swift

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Google Calendar Imitation

This calendar application allows users to create and manage events. Users can choose different tag color to differentiate the importance of different events. Users can also share events with other users. Each user gets a management panel, which lists all their events chronologically. They can edit and delete whichever events they want.

JavaScript JQuery AJax

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Chatroom Powered By Node.js

This chatroom application allows users to chat with each other in real time, thanks to Node.js' non-blocking I/O model that enables asynchronous operations. Users can either chat in public lobby room, or create their own public or private chatrooms. Private chatroom owners can ben and kick any user.

Node.js JavaScript JQuery

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Simple Drawing App

This App allows users to draw on their iPone screens. Users can choose different colors, set different canvas color, stroke width, and alpha value (the transparency of strokes). In addition, if a user ever makes a mistake, he/she can press the undo button, or simply erase the screen.

iOS Swift

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Movie Search App

This App allows users to search movies, add and remove movies to and from their favorite movies list. The list is persistent, closing the app will not remove data. All the movie information are obtained by making API calls to OMDb database.

iOS Swift

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Voice Memo App

Collaborated Project

This App allows users to easily create and manage voice memos. The calendar included in the app visually helps users retrieve their memos by date. In addition, users can edit the pitch and rate of their recorded memos.

iOS Swift

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Simple File Sharing System Written in PHP

In this project, I wrote a simple file sharing site that supports uploading, viewing, and deleting files associated with various users. Users can see a list of all files associated with their username after the log in.

                Test Username: test
                Test Password: 1234

Web dev PHP

See the demo here

Simple Server for a Distributed Hash Table Written in Java

In this project, I implemented a server for a distributed hash table. The DHT stores (key, value) pairs, where the keys and values are strings. Clients add pairs to the DHT using put operations and retrieve them using get operations. The DHT uses a circular organization, and it hashes (key,value) pairs into different servers. DHT helps solves the memory capacity limit and traffic overload problem for servers.

Java Network

Simple News Distribution Site Written in PHP

Collaborated Project

In this project, I wrote a simple news website that imitates Raddit. Users can register for accounts and then log in to the website. Registered users can post, edit, delete stories and comments. Unregistered users can only view stories and comments posted by others. I specifically wrote the back-end, which includes the creation of database and related simple API. My parterner did the front-end using Bootstrap.

                Test Username: test
                Test Password: 1234

Web dev PHP MySQL BootStrap

See the demo here

Simple Calculator Written in Swift

MOOC Project

This project is from Stanford's open online course Developing iOS 8 Apps with Swift. In this project, I made a simple calculator app. I learned basic Swift (Swift has changed a lot since I did the project, the code on my repo has to be updated to the latest Swift syntax to be compiled) and MVC concept.

Swift iOS MOOC

View Project on Repo

Udacity Frontend-Nanodegree-Resume

Did not Choose Degree Option

In this Udacity tutorial, I built a simple resume page using basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Web dev Udacity

See the demo here


Hi, This is JY Lock. I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Computer Science. I like ios-development and web-development, still have a lot to learn. Hopefully I can get better.